The Soil Health Institute’s (SHI) U.S. Regenerative Cotton Fund (USRCF) has funding available to support
on-farm cover crop trials. The USRCF will provide support at $40 per acre for planting up to 30 acres of
cover crops in a cotton production field. We require planting a minimum of 10 acres of cover crops.
Participants will be provided with guidance on cover crop seed mixes, seeding and termination methods,
planter and sprayer adjustments, and nutrient and pest management strategies as needed.
Additionally, participants will be invited to contribute to research on soil health through the following:
Soil health evaluation on participating fields, with soil sampling conducted by hand once per
year by SHI staff (you will receive a report of your soil health and none of your identifying data
will be shared outside the SHI);
Providing an SHI staff member with basic management information in a short phone interview.
The information will be put into the FieldPrint Calculator to assess the benefits of soil health
Sharing lessons learned about cover crop management via educational materials that SHI will
develop to help others interested in working with cover crops.
Additional benefits of participating include:
Receive technical assistance on cover cropping;
Participate in a soil health mentor group to answer questions and discuss new ideas;
Contribute to research on soil health that can be used by other farmers;
Exchange innovative ideas to shape the future of cotton production, including brainstorming concepts with fellow producers.
Cotton producers in Texas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Arkansas are eligible to receive this funding to help
cover the cost of planting cover crops. Funding will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. To
apply for funding, contact Jessica Kelton at